82 degrees today!

Of course in typical Ohio fashion, it will only be 52 for the high tomorrow. 😦 So I took advantage of the warm weather and got more photos.

Good news is that the stool softener really helped Bear and there was almost no strain or pain when he defecated this morning and it was not “flat” like what he was producing when he was straining hard. I think it was simply that the raw food was making the stool too hard or solid and the softener was just what he needed.

“Comin’ mom!”

"Comin' mom!"

Nap in the fresh air

Country nap

Head in the clouds

Head in the clouds



Got this when the neighbor started his tractor and Dazzle took off to run the fence line.

What was that?

Warm enough to enjoy a nap on the cool rocks under the steps

Good spot for a nap

Bear and his big brother

Bear and his big bro

I love to watch him napping. He always looks so peaceful and comfortable


Dazzle after running the fenceline after the neighbor’s tractor

Hot!  82 today, only 52 tomorrow :-(

Posted April 18, 2013 by dazzlesmom in Uncategorized